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Adhere to the new development concept,Adhere to high -quality development,Based on the functional positioning of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government,With the development of the "two new" industry as the core,Through industrial transformation、Reform and innovation,Optimization Group's "two new" industrial structure,stronger and strong、Do the main business of "two new",Strive for the "14th Five -Year Plan" period,Create a "New Investment Group Group",The total assets of the group double,The average annual profit has maintained a double -digit growth,Cultivate 5 listed companies in the "two new" fields,Become the leader in the province、Domestic first -class state -owned capital investment company,To promote the Provincial Party Committee、The implementation of the major strategic layout of the provincial government play its due functions and functions。
The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" planning goal of the New Industry Investment Group is: by the end of 2025,Total assets 40 billion yuan,Total operating income 8 billion yuan,Total profit of 800 million yuan。

Digital transformation work plan for the new production investment group

The "two new" function given by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government as the mission,Give full play to the role of provincial "two new" industrial investment and capital operation platform,Better with the characteristics of the group's characteristics,Fully create a digital transformation and development upgrade version,Help our province to enhance the development of the digital economy industry。Strive until 2023,Group's digital transformation management system is continuously improved,The digital basic support system is gradually casinoimproved。By 2025,Data elements empower the efficiency and increase efficiency.,The level of digitalization of production and operation management is comprehensively improved,New model and new formats are widely promoted,Group comprehensive competitiveness has improved significantly。

Digital industrialization field。By the end of 2022,Far and near combination、The digital project reserve pattern of staircase continuation is initially formed。More than 10 reserve projects in the digital economy field,Added 1-2 new investment。By the end of 2025,Cultivation in the field of digital economy has achieved positive results,"Reserve a batch、Cultivate a batch、Growing a batch、Exit a batch of benign circulation is comprehensively formed。A group of main business emerged、Legal specifications for business、Management level leaders、Strong strength after growth、Digital economy enterprises with listing potential。Cumulative adding more than 30 reserve projects in the digital economy field,Cumulative new investment 6-8,Strive to promote 1 to 2 companies to submit listing materials。

Digitalization of the industry。Strategic goals determined by the Group's "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan",Focus on key areas and key links,Explore the mode and path of digital transformation suitable for the future development direction of the group。Group has operated industrial projects,Follow the key task work steps,Orderly advance digitalization、Intelligent management; the Group's industrial project,Synchronous planning digital construction work,Lay the foundation for the improvement of quality and efficiency after the project is put into production、Before the station。Strive until 2025,Digital transformation projects of the pilot industry achieve substantial progress,Digital transformation in key areas achieves breakthroughs,Become one of the core engines to promote the high -quality development of the group。

The new production investment group implements the carbon and peak carbon neutralization and strategic work plan

In -depth implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought,Based on the new development stage,Implement the new development concept,Build a new development pattern,Adhere to the system concept,Treatment of development and emission reduction、Overall and local、Short and medium -term relationships,Coordinating stable growth and adjustment structure,Put the carbon peak、Carbon neutralizes and incorporates development global,firmly unswervingly take the ecological priority、Green and Low -Carbon's High -quality Development Road,Make sure to achieve carbon peaks as scheduled、Carbon neutralization target。
From 2025,Energy utilization efficiency of key industries has increased significantly,Fully realize the "14th Five -Year Plan" planning goals,To achieve carbon peak、Carbon neutralization lays a solid foundation。
By 2030,The energy utilization efficiency and main pollutants emissions of the key energy consumption industry reaches the advanced level of domestic,Carbon emissions reaches the peak and achieve a steady decrease。
From 2060,The economic system of green and low -carbon circular development and cleaning low -carbon safe and efficient energy system comprehensively established,Energy utilization efficiency and main pollutant emissions reach international advanced levels,Make sure and strive to achieve carbon neutrality in advance

Promotion Plan for the Listing Promotion Plan for the Social Control Enterprise of the New Industry Investment Group

Implementing the spirit of the 11th Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee,Adhere to the "two -wheel" driver of industry and capital,Cultivate the development of the "two new" industries in our province,Promoting the company's landing in the capital market,Leading the leading role of state -owned capital。
The power of the whole casino reviewgroup,Integrated、Move all parties resources,Concubation work strong,Julin joint force,Vigorously implement corporate listing operations,Thousands of ways to guide and promote the group company more participating companies to "grab the beach to land" capital market,Strive until 2025,Realize 1-2 holding companies、4 companies participating companies are listed or sprinting ipo on the multi -level capital market。 casino review

Topic on promoting high -quality development,To cultivate and develop the digital economy、The "two new" industries such as the biological economy are the main line,Give play to the leading role of state -owned capital in the development of new economy and new business and new models,Find a breakthrough,Accelerate the shortcomings,Play a combination of fist,Accelerate the cultivation and expansion of the "two new" industries,Accelerate the creation of a new engine of high -quality development,Promote Longjiang Industrial Revitalization、Make a new contribution。

By the end of 2025,New Mode in the province、The new format is booming,The scale and competitiveness of new industries have significantly enhanced,Digital economy、The new economy focusing on the biological economy is injecting new kinetic energy into the province's economic development,Become one of the core engines that promote the high -quality development of the province's economic and social。The Group cultivates positive results in the "two new" industries,"Reserve a batch、Cultivate a batch、Growing a batch、A batch of listing、Exit a batch of benign circulation is comprehensively formed。A group of main business emerged、Legal specifications for business、Management level leaders、Strong strength after growth、Enterprises with listing potential。Cumulative new reserves of the "two new" projects of more than 100 projects,Cumulative investment of 15-20 new investment,Strive to promote 1 to 2 companies to submit listing materials。

New Industry Investment Group Promoting Longjiang Chemical Development Work Plan

The Joint Polycarbonate casino reviewJoint Project of the New Industry Investment Group Longjiang Chemical Investment is a specific measure to implement the strategy of implementing the "oil head" strategy of Heilongjiang Province,The project is based on the "supply advantage of oil head raw materials,Aiming at the "Huawei" market demand space,Acrylics increased by PetroChina Daqing Petrochemical Company、toluene as raw materials,Create an acryl phenol / pyrucoyl -phenolic carbonate full industry chain。

Polycarbonate joint project will be based on "overall planning、step by step,Principles of the principle of mature one is investment construction ",The total investment of the project is about 6.5 billion yuan,Plan to build in two phases,The first phase of the project plans to invest 3.5 billion yuan,Construction annual output of 200,000 tons of pure benzene、Annual output of 350,000 tons of phenolinone、Annual output of 200,000 tons of bisphenol A three sets,At the same time, it is supporting the construction of public engineering facilities and office living areas。The first phase of the project was officially started on February 28, 2022,It is planned to pass in mid -July 2023、Putting production in October,It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 4 billion yuan after delivery、1 billion yuan in profit and tax。After the project is completed,For the industrial upgrade of Daqing City and even the province、Revitalizing and developing new contributions。