New Industry Investment Group held a work meeting of the 2024 Party Style and Clean Government Construction

Category: Group News     2024-01-22

      On the morning of January 19,New Industry Investment Group held a work meeting of the 2024 Party Style and Clean Government Construction。The meeting was deputy secretary of the group party committee、Deputy Chairman、General Manager Fu Qiang hosted,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Employee Directors、Chairman of the Trade Union Gao Gao Guo convey the spirit of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Member of the Party Committee、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission、Supervision Commissioner Li Hui made a work report "Provide a strong guarantee for the comprehensive and strict governance of the party for the Group's High -quality Development",Secretary of the Party Committee、Chairman Sun Guangyuan Speaking。Group casino reviewleader Lu Ming、Li Yiqing、Zhang Yanmei、Li Jinsong attended the meeting。

      Conference in -depth study and implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech,Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th and 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,Comprehensively implemented the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the spirit of the Thirteenth Provincial Party Committee's previous plenary session,Summary back to 2023 party style and clean government construction and anti -corruption work,Arrange deployment of key tasks in 2024。

      Sun Guangyuan pointed out,2023 is the year of fully implementing the 20th spirit of the party,Party organizations at all levels of the group thoroughly implement the party’s 20th National Congress、The 13th Party Congress and the Spirit of the Plenary Session,Fully Possented General Secretary Jinping inspected the important instructions of important speeches during our province,Strike theme education,Adhere to the party's construction and business development Stake Sports Betting"Two hands、Both hands hard ",Resolutely carry up the political responsibility of governing the party to govern the party,The flag is clear, righteousness and discipline anti -corruption,Political ecology continues to improve upward,"Two New" development has achieved new progress and new results。

      Sun Guangyuan emphasized,In order to better implement the party's self -revolutionary requirements、Promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party,We must focus on three aspects。One must grasp the strict tone,Firm self -revolution that will always be on the road for political awake,Accurately understand the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee unswervingly promoting the party's self -revolution,Unified thoughts,Strengthening responsibility,Active Determination of the Party's self -revolution to the Party Central Committee、Situation judgment and deployment requirements to check the benchmark,Practical unified thinking and action,Perseverance to purify the political ecology。Second, keep a strict situation,Enhance Stake Sports Bettingthe political determination of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,To understand the current situation that anti -corruption is still severe and complex,Strengthen political construction、Disciplinary construction and ability style construction,Continue to keep punishing corruption high -pressure situation,Persist in strict to the end,Resolutely win the long -lasting battle of the anti -corruption battle; the third must implement the strict requirements,Political responsibility to control the party to govern the party,Party organizations and disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels of the group must effectively bear the political responsibility of governing the party,Strengthen stress conduction,Grasp the "key minority",Persist in strict love,Strict team building,Guide cadres and commissioned loyalty to perform their duties、Drays as a,Continue to create a political ecology that is clear and clear,Create a good environment for the Group's high -quality development。

      Full -time external directors of the group casino reviewcompany、class executives、All cadres and employees of the headquarters,Secretary of the Party Organization of Secondary Enterprises、full -time deputy secretary、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission (Discipline Inspection Team)、Participate in the meeting on the spot,Enterprises at all levels set up sub -venues video participation。

Previous article : The Party Committee of the New Industry Investment and Investment Group held the party building work and ownership secretary of the party organization of the ownership enterprise to grasp the grass -roots party building work review assessment meeting