[Media Focus] Lottery News: Lan Shaomin emphasized the attention of & ldquo; new & rdquo; prominent & ldquo; production & ldquo; investment & rdquo; better serving Longjiang revitalization development

Category: Media Follow     2024-05-15

      In the afternoon of the 13th,The Chairman of the Provincial CPPCC Lan Shaomin went to the Provincial New Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd.,The development and construction of state -owned enterprises in our province,Research on issues related to the 2024 negotiation plan of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference for investigation,Hold a symposium。

      Lan Shaomin first came to the group information center,Through the management system and smart transportation management platform,Watch the real -time screen of the production monitoring of the power plant,Detailed stake sports betting appunderstanding of the overall layout of the group、Informatization construction、Equipment operation、Digital construction, etc.。Subsequent,Lan Shaomin came to the corporate culture exhibition hall,Watch the video carefully、Graphic and other information,Detailed inquiry Group's main business、Key project、Business benefits, etc.,Understand the development process of the group、Construction results、Future Plan、Party building work, etc.。He focuses on the group's focus on the main business、Persistence of deepening reforms and establishing the establishment of the New Industry Research Institute and achieved results fully affirm,Hope the Group insists on the "two new" directions in the "new" word,Deepen the "Industrial Revitalization" mission with the word "production",Investment guidance and investment value -added function with the word "investment",constantly becoming stronger and superior capital and state -owned enterprises,Become a pillar in the stake.com casinoprovince as soon as possible、Regional leader、Domestic well -known、The first -class "two new" investment groups in the industry,Contributing to the creation of new quality of productivity for Longjiang to build a new quality of productivity。

      Lan Shaomin emphasized,We have to pay attention to "New",Aspire for new quality productivity。Hope Group's in -depth study、Make a scientific definition of General Secretary Xi Jinping's new productive productivity、Basic Connotation、Main logo、Core elements and other questions,Understand、Graspped、Implement the relevant decision -making and deployment of the Provincial Party Committee; deeply understand the responsibility in the process of developing a new productivity in Longjiang,Tightly combined with your own characteristics,Give full play to the factor guarantee effect of optimizing allocation of capital、The leading role of the demonstration leader and the market entity role of the first exploring the advancement Stake Sports Bettingof the forward and comprehensive development practice,Effectively reflect the inherent requirements of new productivity into business development,A responsibility、There is a thing。

      Lan Shaomin emphasized,We want to highlight "production",Contributions to the development of Longjiang Industrial。I hope that the group will focus on the development of new quality of productivity,Concrete the target industry、Target direction,Key breakthrough、Key development,Put its energy、Electricity、Chemical、Paper and other industries to make further bigger and stronger,Make feature、Make status、Make benefits,Development for Longjiang Manufacturing、Industrial Development、Make greater contributions to the development of the secondary industry。

      Lan Shaomin emphasized,We must do a good job of "voting",There is a role in the investment operation of state -owned capital。It is necessary to resolutely implement the important requirements of the Party Central Committee on the investment and operation of state -owned stake sports betting appcapital,In -depth understanding、Scientific grasp、Resolutely implement it,Constantly improving the decision -making and operating mechanism,Follow the law of the operation of the capital market,Focusing the investment focus on deepening scientific and technological innovation、Technology support industrial development,To better help Longjiang "two new" enterprises and new productive development。

      Responsible comrades of the Provincial SASAC participated in the survey.

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