Hengfeng Group's maintenance in 2024 has been completed

Category: Plates dynamics     2024-06-05

       According to the annual work arrangement,To ensure the stable and efficient operation of the equipment,Hengfeng Group 2024 major maintenance work ended on the 31st。Through a comprehensive inspection of the equipment、Maintenance and maintenance,Make sure the equipment is safe and stable,Improve the essence of equipment,Lay a solid foundation for the company to achieve the annual production and operation goals。

      Before maintenance,To ensure the smooth development of the maintenance work,Li Enshuang, deputy general manager of Hengfeng Paper Co., Ltd.,Comprehensive mobilization and deployment of maintenance work。

       During the maintenance period,Implement daily meeting system,Relevant departments report the maintenance progress and key tasks that need to be coordinated,Deputy General Manager Li Enshuang made further deployment and requirements based stake.com casino reviewon Stake Sports Bettingthe maintenance plan and actual progress,Make sure that each maintenance plan is implemented、See the effectiveness。

      Maintenance site,Energy Center、Employees of various factories in the manufacturing center are like precision collaboration gears,Each duty、Tightly cooperate,According to the company's overall maintenance work deployment and the implementation plan of the branch factory,Clean all aspects of production equipment、Maintenance and maintenance。

      Equipment is the main body of production,The stable operation of the equipment is directly related to the efficiency and quality of production。大During the maintenance period,Employees of the Machine Repair Branch conducted a comprehensive inspection and repair of each machine equipment,Equipment Clear ash、Screw fastening、Electric Maintenance、Some systems or facilities transformation, etc.,From the appearance of the device to the internal parts,From the transmission system to the control system,Do not let go of every detail,Ensure the performance and accuracy of the equipment。

      Energy Supply as a lifeline of the company's operation,Use the maintenance period,stake online casinostake.com casino reviewCoordinated implementation of water、electric、Project transformation and operation and maintenance of the three major systems of auto,Each system has made sufficient preparation and precision deployment,In an orderly implementation of the water source system inspection and maintenance、Central transformation、Maintenance of automated facilities and other key tasks。

      During the maintenance period,The company's environmental improvement work is also being carried out simultaneously。Energy Center organizes all foreign association units to the road in the factory、Branch ground、Factory exterior walls and other environmental facilities for unified maintenance。Employees of each unit will deeply clean the equipment and environment of the production site,In -depth clearing and cleaning of drainage pipes and corresponding areas in the sharing area,Contributions to the production operation and environmental improvement of enterprises。

      To ensure the stable operation of the company's digital system,Digital Management Center during the maintenance period to various network equipment in the company、Server、Digitalization System、stake.com casinoStake Sports BettingMiddleware and supporting equipment for maintenance work,Synchronous promotion of digital construction projects and digital transformation。

      At the same time,Employees and scheduling of the Organization Department of the Safety Production Office and scheduling on each maintenance site for safety inspections; procurement department based stake.com casino reviewon Stake Sports Bettingthe maintenance plan and real -time progress,Real -time equipment and facilities required for maintenance、Reserve and spare parts pay attention and emergency deployment; the financial management department and the warehousing department formed a material inventory group,Go deep into various sub -factories and relevant departments to carry out material inventory work; the Ministry of Security focuses on strengthening the prevention of fire prevention during the maintenance period and night inspection、Spring check work,Make sure that the large -scale maintenance work is safe and orderly。

      During the maintenance period,Hengfeng Group Catering Center insists on providing nutritional lunch and dinner for more than 300 maintenance personnel per day,Do your best to do the logistics support during the maintenance period。

      Every night,Stake Sports BettingStake Sports BettingEquipment and Energy Center Joint Manufacturing Center inspects and guide the construction site。For technical problems existing in construction,On -site guidance solution; for key safety matters,Supervision on the spot,Make sure the maintenance work is smooth。

      Construction site at the project of No. 22 Hengfeng Paper Industry,One layer of beams in the pulp section are being carried out、The concrete pouring work of the board。According to an introduction,Broken water during the maintenance period、In the case of switching electricity,The project team overcome various unfavorable factors,Organize construction as planned,Make every effort to ensure that the installation conditions of the basic board of paper machines before August 1。

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