Hengfeng Group holds & ldquo; Safety production month & rdquo; launch conference

Category: Plates dynamics     2024-06-06

      Recent,Hengfeng Group 2024 "Safety Production Month" launch conference was held in the museum's lecture hall。The meeting was chaired by Yu Xiaowei, director of the Safety Production Office。Deputy General Manager of Hengfeng Paper Co., Ltd. Li En Shuang、Manufacturing Director Zhang Chenglong、Wang Bingchen, general manager of Hengyuan Mima Company、Equipment Deputy Chief Engineer Li Dongri,and the person in charge of the safety production of all units、Security member、Chairman of the Trade Union and the backbone of production Stake Sports Bettingparticipation in the meeting。

      At the beginning of the meeting,All participants watched the "2024 Safety Production Monthly Public Welfare Promotional Video",Deeply feel the importance of safety production。Subsequent,Deputy Director Yu Hongzhi, deputy director of the Safety Production Office interpreted the "2024" Safety Production Month "activity plan。

      This year,Hengfeng Group's "Safety Production Month" activity theme is "Persist in safe development,Responsible for safety mission "。According to the activity plan,The four themes of "creating safety atmosphere", "improving safety literacy", "consolidating the safety foundation", "unblocking life channel",Carry out a series of colorful color per week、Strong activity。

      Representatives of grassroots employees、Ni Hongtao, the deputy section of the papermaking of the paper three -point stake online casinopaper, based on his own position at the conference,Do a good job in the safety management of the grassroots level。He emphasized the importance of safety in the production process of grassroots employees,and propose to re -study the relevant safety production management system for this post,Explore analysis and summary of typical accident cases and other measures。

      Manufacturing Director Zhang Chenglong said in a mobilization speech,This year is the 23rd safety production month in the country,The company must conscientiously implement the work spirit of the "safety first" of the company's security committee,Through the "Safety Production Month" series of activities,Promote the construction of the company's security culture,Promote the continuous stability of the company's security situation。His request,All units should take this safety production month activity as an opportunity,stake.com casino reviewTo further consolidate security standardization management,Ensure that the true implementation of the responsibility system for production safety。To deepen the creation of the safety and cultural atmosphere,Lange a solid foundation for the creation of Hengfeng Security Culture。To strengthen the cultivation of all staff safety awareness,Safety management personnel at all levels should give full play to the leading role。

      Conference emphasized,Safety management work is far away,It is by no means one person's power,Instead, the active investment and coordinated efforts of each employee。Safety management work is a long -lasting battle,You need to continue to do subtraction,Remove the hidden dangers,Strengthening security measures,Perspective of promoting safety work。Safety management is still a long -term career,Each stake.com casino reviewemployee is patient、Treat every detail in detail,Effectively internalize the concept of safety in the heart、Externalization,Build a safety defense line,Provide security for the company's continuous and steady development。

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