New Industry Investment Group held a working meeting to promote the reform and improvement of state -owned enterprises

Category: Group News     2024-06-06

      To implement the requirements of the deepening and improvement action of the reform of state -owned enterprises in Heilongjiang Province,Continue to promote the Group's broader and deeper implementation of the three system reform work,June 5,New Industry Investment Group held a special promotion meeting,Arrange the key task of deploying reform work。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、Employee stake online casinoStake Sports BettingDirectors、President of the Trade Union President Gao Guo chaired the meeting,Group Human Resources Director Su Guanying、Group Party Committee Organization Department (Human Resources Department) related comrades、Full -time deputy secretary and business leader of each second -level ownership enterprise attended the meeting。

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     It will convey the party committee member of the Provincial SASAC、Deputy Director Zhang Yufu's speech at the three system reform promotion conferences held on May 24。The meeting combined with the problems found in the third reform work,For reasonable control of the total amount of employment、Strict control of employment increase、Standardize the return of retirees、Key tasks such as reinforcement and other adjustments stake sports betting casinoand indifferent exit rigidity,Mobilize the next step、Delivery、Promote again。

     Emphasis on Gao Guo,Comprehensively deepening the "three systems" reform of the group is a vivid practice of thoroughly implementing the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th spirit of the party,It is a powerful measure to promote the deepening of state -owned enterprises' reforms,It is the power source of power to implement the "14th Five -Year Plan" of the Group,It is even more standardized management、The urgent need to promote the high -quality development of the group,Require ownership enterprises at all levels to increase their positions,Correctly understand the necessity of continuously deepening the reform of casino reviewStake Sports Bettingthe three systems in the new situation,Around the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government、The deployment requirements of the Provincial SASAC,Promoting reform further,Help the Group's high -quality development。Second, we must grasp the focus of work,Combined with the actual enterprise,Anchor key task,Find the entry port and force point,Take practical and effective measures,Make up shortcomings、formation mechanism,Ensure that various reform measures really play a role。Third, strengthen organizational leadership,Leading cadres at all levels at all levels must earnestly fulfill the responsibility of promoting the main body of reform,Establish a perfect follow -up supervision、Evaluation Evaluation、Stake Sports casinocommunication coordination and other working mechanisms,Ensure layer implementation、A full level of advance,Settled the task of reforming various reforms。

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